
Product Price Revisions
From January 1, 2024

Thank you very much for your continued patronage of our products.
In response to the recent sharp rise in the prices of raw and auxiliary materials, we have been making efforts to maintain product prices by reducing various expenses and other corporate efforts, but the situation has become unbearable.
We regret to inform you that we will be revising the prices of the following coilover kits.
We will continue to make every effort to maintain and improve our quality and service, and we would appreciate your understanding and continued patronage.
●Date of price revision: January 1, 2024 New prices will be applied to orders received on January 1, 2024.
●Applicable products and revised amounts:
SUSTEC PRO ZT40 \11,000 up (\10,000 excluding tax)
SUSTEC PRO CR40 \5,500 up (\5,000 excluding tax)
SUSTEC PRO CR \5,500 up (\5,000 excluding tax)
*For DEVIDE UP40 / GT FUNTORIDE DAMPER / REAL SPORTS × tanabe, there is no price change for these coilover kit.